Monday, March 14, 2016

Singles Buy Homes Too!

Today's post I take very personal because the story really hit home for me. My friend and I were having a very interesting conversation about singles in the buying market. I had mentioned to my friend how important it is for singles to buy a home and my passion to educate them on the benefits of becoming a homeownership. My friend gave me the side eye and said "Why is it important for singles to buy a home when you yourself are single and don't own a home? Just doesn't make sense." 
My jaw dropped and I was so offended yet, appreciative. I was shocked that anyone would have the audacity to question my passion and professionalism but, I was also glad that my friend challenged me to practice what I preach. And how did I not think that it would be unreasonable to instruct every single I know on how beneficial it is to buy home and I myself have not purchased a home? I mean in all reality it only makes sense that I would be a homeowner as well in the business of real estate. Especially if I speak so passionately about it. So Then I thought to myself, "Why don't I own a home? What is it that keeps me from mentally making the decision to buy a home?"

I immediately thought back to my upbringing. Being raised in an household which emphasized how very important it was to get married, create a family, and buy a home. In that order. I had imagined that I would meet my future husband and we would buy a home together. Let's get real. I didn't see myself buying a home alone. That's the truth. (That's my truth anyway) I'm pretty sure that it's also the truth for many singles out there. Love doesn't have to come first before buying a home.

Now that you heard my truth, what's yours? Do you think it's not affordable to buy as a single person? Afraid you will out-grow your space when you find love? 

Let me start off by listing some good reasons why singles should buy a home.

- [1 ] Buying a home gives you a sense of pride and freedom. It's yours. No one can tell you what to do. (Except for city code/ordinances, or Homeowners Associations) More like how many pets you can have, what colors your walls can be, not putting holes in the walls to hang decor, having a grill on the patio, etc. And don't get me started about the fact you have to fight for your deposit to be returned! *you can't see my face but it looks angry* lol
- [2 ] Rates are still at a historical low right now. Currently at 3.62% (which back in 2007 rates where as high as 12% and 15%. Not only that you would have a more consistent payment amount for 15-30 years versus paying rent that's only fixed for 12-24 months. So, no more dealing with rental rate hikes at the end of your lease that force you to move from apartment to apartment. 
- [3 ] We are not alone. There are many singles out there buying homes. (However I feel like there could be a lot more) According to the National Association of Realtors 2015 Profile of home buyers and sellers, 9% of the buying market was represented by single men and 15% of the buying market single women. 
- [4 ] Build your wealth. By buying a home you gain an asset and with every payment you are building equity. As you are paying down you mortgage, you are building you wealth. You're not making yourself rich for every month that you pay rent. Instead, you're making your landlord rich. ?Ain't that something?
- [5 ] Get tax-deductible benefits. Did you know that homeowners are allowed to deduct the mortgage interest from their tax obligations? Yes, it's true! Paying rent doesn't give any tax breaks. Not only that but in the state of Texas if you occupy the property, then you can file for a homestead and pay less in property taxes. #Winning!
- [6 ] Leverage opportunities. I really want to you to know that investing in yourself can start at early age as well. Owning a home now can be a huge leverage tool in the future. For instance, should you outgrow your space you can sell the home you own and use the equity as contribution towards your bigger dream home. Or you can rent out the current home for a passive additional source of income. Not only would you collect a monthly payment on your investment property but you are still building equity with every payment that is collected. 
- [7 ] Downpayment Assistance Programs. Although you may be buying a home by yourself, there is financial help out there. Especially for first-time homebuyers. The program's vary by city/county but you can pay very little of a downpayment with assistance from local government programs. 

So while you're reading this I would love to do an exercise with you. Take a pen and paper or open an app on your phone to take notes for all my tech savvy people. Write down how much you currently pay in rent every month. Multiply that number by 12 (months in a year). Now, take your total figure and multiply it by however many years you've been renting. What's the magic number you have? Shocking isn't it? For me when I saw my number, I realized that I could have paid down a mortgage by a good lump sum. Don't let that number get you down. Let it motivate you because there is light at the end of the tunnel my friend. 

Ladies and gentlemen how long will we continue to go down this path of renting and wasting our dollars and not investing in ourselves? At the end of the day, just because you're single doesn't mean you can't buy a home. If you were raised in any way like me don't let traditions or upbringing prevent you from having wealth. You now know that there are personal benefits to becoming a homeowner such as being the King/Queen of your own castle. There are also financial benefits by creating an asset and building equity. And finally there are future benefits in using you first home as leverage to buy the dream home or utilizing it as an investment property and collect a passive additional income. 

I myself have now started looking for a condo. Yes! No longer will I wait for my Boaz. However I'm pretty sure that he'll appreciate that his Ruth (yours truly) will have assets to bring to our joined relationship. I can still buy a home to watch my family grow but right now I need a place in which I can grow. I hope that my testimony has been just as convincing as it is informative for all the singles out there in the world whose perspective on buying a home may now be open to change. So my final thought/question would be to all my singles out there, would you buy a home today and if not why?

Remember you can reach me on social media at the links below. Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealtyMeDallas
